1.-2.7.2017. Komikaze na DIY festivalu – Palmanova, Italija

Komikaze @ DIY festival
Palmanova, It







/ Opening hours of the DIY festival are: 30/06 from 16.30 to 23.00, 1/07 from 10.30 to 23, 2/07 from 10.30 to 19.30

[Poster: Irene Coletto]

ABOUT: This is 1th edition of d.i.y. area at a festival in Palmanova.
The concept is:
– to include more cultural stuff in its program (in the past edition they were very focused on mainstream comics, videogames and cosplayers)
– to make Palmanova festival more international, at least in the d.i.y. area
– to sell more d.i.y. stuff (and eventually other material that people distribute)

The city is amazing, it’s star-shaped! Pretty cool! And it’s really close to Udine, not too far away from the border…


FB EVENT: https://www.facebook.com/events/176464359557497/
Participants: Atelier d’arte ; “Lucio Comar”; BEKKO; Blanca [con mostra dedicata alla rivista Blanca (inaugurazione mostra)]; Miriam Blasich e Anjce, in ricordo di Giacomo Pueroni; BRACE; CARGO – viaggi grafici; Collettivo BaldoBranco; Riccardo D’Argento; Stefania Del Ponte; Tiziana De Piero [FAME COMICS]; Giò Di Qual; ernest, | Agenzia X Edizioni | Il potere sovversivo della carta; Free Souls; Fulgoris umbra: GIOVEDINK; Ghost City Collective; KOMIKAZE ; Il Dottor Pach; Inkhand; La Legione degli Artisti; MalEdizioni; Marta Sebastianutti; McGuffin Comics; MYAU zine; OFFICINA; Raffaele Lele Sorrentino; SpiceLapis Collettivo Illustratori FVG; Eleonora Spizzamiglio; Studio Pazzia.