“Komikaze library of mind-blowing publications” / Scenes of independence – Institute of network cultures, Amsterdam

SEPP ECKENHAUSSEN / DEEP POCKETS #3  / CULTURAL RUPTURES IN ZAGREB (1991–2019) / Published by the INC – Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam, 2019 / ISBN: 978-94-92302-40-3

PDF: https://networkcultures.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/ScenesOfIndependencePDF.pdf

Sepp Eckenhaussen (iz razgovora): Kulturna produkcija, kako sam ju ja doživljavao, uvijek ovisi o dostupnosti novca i radne snage, tako da mi se činilo malo vjerojatno da bi se pojam nezavisne kulture mogao ozbiljno shvatiti. Također, čitava struja kulture očito je prisvojila taj pojam kao samoodređenje. Moje poimanje nezavisnosti bilo je preusko da shvatim što ona znači unutar konteksta hrvatske kulture … Više @ BOOKSA

INTRODUCTION by Sepp Eckenhaussen: “After the violent disintegration of Yugoslavia, a flourishing cultural scene was established in Croatia’s capital Zagreb. The scene calls itself: independent culture. In this book, Sepp Eckenhaussen explores the history of Zagreb’s independent culture through three questions: How were independent cultures born? To whom do they belong? And what is the independence in independent culture? The result is a genealogy, a personal travel log, a mapping of cores of criticality, a search for futurologies, and a theory of the scene.

Once again, it turns out that localist perspectives have become urgent to culture. The untranslatability of the local term ‘independent culture’ makes it hard for the outsider to get a thorough understanding of it. But it also makes the term into a crystal of significance and a catalyst of meaning-making towards a theory of independent culture.

PG 185-186:

“In a similar vein to the renewed squatter movement, the oscillation between mainstream and subculture in independent cultures can be observed. There are some new actors, like This Town Needs Posters and Zgerila, who’ve been spreading posters, tags, stickers, and graffiti throughout Zagreb.

There are the organizations that have simply continued subcultural activities for decades, without ever going mainstream. This is, for instance, what the anarchist bookshop and publisher Što Čitaš? has been doing since 1999 and underground comic publishing platform Komikaze since 2003. In fact, these latter two organizations are doing very well: tracks in front of Što Čitaš? are always full with free-to-take zines and booklets, temporary works of public art put there by both the shop and its community, and Komikaze has compiled a library of mind-blowing publications. 
Does punk really never die?

Antonio Negri has said: ‘They say that, when the Nazis had Tito surrounded, he saved himself by hiding in a cave. This is how it is in the Balkans: the resistance is often forced to conceal itself in caves and forests. But it never goes away’.

This is a strange remark, because it holds true for resistance in every part of the world – but, yes, also in the Balkans. Even if most independent cultural organizations are not – or are no longer – subcultural, the existence of these zines and posters show that there will always be subculture to take over.

Antonio Negri, Welcome to the Desert of Post-Socialism

Preface: Leonida Kovač / Editing: Miriam Rasch and Rosie Underwood Cover / design: Laura Mrkša /  Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam / 2019 ISBN 978-94-92302-40-3 Contact Institute of Network Cultures / Phone: +3120 5951865 / Email: info@networkcultures.org / Web: http://www.networkcultures.org / This publication is published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerrivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) licence. This publication may be ordered through various printon-demand-services.

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INFO: https://networkcultures.org/blog/2020/01/06/out-now-deep-pockets-3-scenes-of-independence-cultural-ruptures-in-zagreb-1991-2019/

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Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerrivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)