15.6. 18.30h – 18.6.2023. @ DKC SARAJEVO
XXkomikaze Autori_ce / Authors – LINKOVI / LINKS; Ivana Armanini, Mp Fikaris, Elevatorteeth, Radovan Popović, Ravic, Juliette Bensimon-Marchina, Ronald Reiska, Arnus Horribilis, Wostok, Miro Župa, Juraj Vranjić, Zsolt Vidak, Norihiro Sekitani, Ti-n-lalan, Seljak, Dalibor Barić, Vančo Rebac, Septik, Igor Hofbauer, Bruno Pogačnik, Kevin Barry, Damir Stojnić.
XXkomikaze izložba je na turneji od 2022. godine. Krenula je iz Zagreba i obišla: Napulj, Bari, Graz, Dubrovnik, Hvar i Zadar! Nastala je povodom zaokružene druge dekade i sadrži naslovnice objavljenih Komikaze strip albuma. Na izložbi se mogu vidjeti naslovnice u XXL dimenzijama, kratak izbor stripova iz najnovijeg Komikaze izdanja “Ljubav, otpor &td” ali i prolistati svoje favorite te ponjeti doma mikroizdanja.
The XXkomikaze exhibition has been on tour since 2022. The exhibition started in Zagreb and so far it visited the following cities: Naples, Bari, Graz, Dubrovnik, Hvar and Zadar! It was created to mark the completion of the second decade and contains the covers of published Komikaze comic albums. The exhibition allows you to see the covers in XXL dimensions, but also shows a short part of the last Komikaze edition “Love, resist&TC”. You can browse through your favourites and take home micro-editions. An information desk with a travelling comic strip is an indispensable part of the lineup where you can listen to tête-à-tête Komikaze presentations and smell the fresh scent of the underground printed on paper.
POINT konferencija (@pointconference) od svog prvog izdanja nastojala je biti i platforma za podršku razvoja nezavisne kulturne scene. Tako će ove godine u nezavisnom kulturnom prostoru DKC biti upriličena izložba nezavisnog strip izdanja Komikaze (@komikaze_hr) koje obilježava 20 godina postojanja. / Since its inception, the POINT Conference has strived to support the growth of the independent cultural scene. Therefore, this year, DKC Sarajevo, a youth-led social-cultural space, will host an exhibition of KOMIKAZE, an independent comics publication, celebrating its 20th anniversary.
⚡Benefit za otvaranje kulturnog centra Podgorica / This event contributes to a series of initiatives backing the establishment of the Podgorica cultural centre.
The Komikaze network has about 400 authors and contains 6,000 pages of authored comics and illustrations, which come from about 60 countries. It can be found on https://komikaze.hr and webzines are published every four months. A selection of three webzines forms an album at the end of the year. It is printed in 500 copies with an average of 25 authors. This rhythm has been continuous since 2002, and the call for new authors is open. Everything tangible on paper is also on the net, along with info and links to authors and other great comics.
At the opening of the exhibition, attendees will have a chance to meet Komikaze’s founder, Ivana Armanini. Her work is inseparable from activism and social context. She graduated from the School for applied art and design and the Academy of fine arts in Zagreb (mag. art; rector’s award). She is a member of the Croatian community of independent artists and had 10 solo exhibitions and 10 solo comic publications (albums, fanzines, art books, micro-editions)
? Za zabavu nakon otvaranja izložbe @ DKC bit će zadužena POINT in-house DJ kombinacija Skali (@skali.yo) & Sijah / The POINT in-house DJ combination Skali & Sijah will be in charge of the entertainment after the opening of the exhibition @ DKC.
program komikaze 2023. je podržan od ministarstva kulture i medija republike hrvatske i grada zagreba. / komikaze programme 2023 is supported by the ministry of culture and media of the republic croatia and city zagreb.