UKMUKFUKK is an annual event organized by three, professional artists, with help from their friends. Guests are invited from all over Europe, and sometimes even visit from further places in the world. // FAIR // 28 April (Saturday): 12.00-19.00 – 29 April (Sunday): 14.00-19.00 – Anker’t (Budapest, Paulay Ede utca 33.) “Komikaze – Croatian organization publishing zines. A big part of their work is having comic-zine open calls – and at the end of the year, the best submissions are published in a form of an anthology. But the biggest piece that was showcased on the stall was the Femicomix album. Komikaze describes this project in those words: “woman contemporary comic is always in komikaze focus normally and now we decide to make it more visible. the future of the contemporary … Continue reading KOMIKAZE @ UKMUKFUKK