tinta strip festival #10 – ljubljana



Erwin Dejasse (BE) / Alternative Comic, Art Brut and Punk Comics: The Praises of Do-it-Yourself 

❗️? Erwin Dejasse (BE): Alternative Comic, Art Brut and Punk Comics: The Praises of Do-it-Yourself @ TINTA – festival stripa / Stripburger Comix / ZRC Atrium . “U interaktivnom predavanju i prezentaciji belgijski stripolog Erwin Dejasse govori o Art Brutu i Punk stripu. Mnogi alternativni strip umjetnici_e su iskazali veliko zanimanje za Art Brut, dječje crteže i nesvrstane radove nastale izvan uobičajenog umjetničkog okruženja… Predavanje pokazuje da je taj interes svojstven potrazi za radovima koji bježe od normalizacije mainstream industrije, što pokreće alternativne pokrete od svojih početaka. Također je važno kako je ova potraga na mnogo načina naslijeđena iz načela “Uradi sam” Punk pokreta.”

Paul Gravett – londonski strip povjesničar i top stručnjak za svjetsku strip scenu, na kojoj radi i koju su-ostvaruje više od 40 godina. / British comics historian and, overall, a mega expert on the global scene, on which he has been working and which he has been co-creating for more than 40 years.

In an interactive lecture and presentation, the legendary comics historian and connoisseur Paul Gravett shone some light on comics as a tool for change. Comics are a powerful medium to communicate ideas and advocate values and causes. What makes it so effective and persuasive? And how has it been harnessed to inform and instruct? The lecture explored what made it so effective and persuasive and how it had been harnessed to inform and instruct. Paul Gravett explored some of the practices and practitioners across the spectrum of ‘propagandist’ comics, whether for the better and for the worse, or both. After the lecture, there was a discussion with the audience about comics as a medium for social and cultural change. The opening lecture and discussion were moderated by Dutch writer and comics enthusiast Guido van Hengel.