Strasbourg je UNESCO-va svjetska prijestolnica knjige 2024. Tim povodom, 24.4. kreću zajedno festival “Central Vapeur” i “Susreti ilustracija”. / Program 24.4. – 19.5.: izložbe, radionice, predstave, sajmovi, sastanci, razgledavanja, projekcije i parada. / Strasbourg is the UNESCO World Capital for Books 2024. On this occasion, festival “Central Vapeur” & “Illustration Encounters” start together on 24th April. / Program April 24th – May 19th: exhibitions, workshops, performances, fairs, meetings, visits, screenings and a parade: https://www.strasbourg.eu/rencontres-illustration/
Program Komikaze se prvi put predstavlja u Strasbourgu, jednom od središta suvremene europske strip scene, na poziv “Central Vapeur” #14 festivala. Strasbourg, poznat kao grad umjetnosti i važno sveučilišno središte, središte je većinom mlade i nezavisne scene stripova/ilustracija u regiji Alsace. Glavna misija festivala je predstaviti svježe vizualne narative, umjetnike i kolektive iz područja suvremene ilustracije, stripa i grafike u svim oblicima. / Komikaze programme will be presented for the first time in Strasbourg, one of the centres of the contemporary European comics scene, on the invitation of the “Central Vapeur” #14 festival. Strasbourg, renowned as a city of art and an important university centre, is a hub to the mostly young and independent comics/illustration scene in the region of Alsace. The main mission of the festival is to present fresh visual narratives, artists and collectives from the field of contemporary illustration, comics and graphic art in all its forms.

Central Vapeur / 14. festival ➤ SALON NEZAVISNIH: “Nezavisno izdavaštvo prisutno je u manjim i srednjim kolektivima, udrugama, mikro i/li samoizdavačkim inicijativama. Bilo da se zavjetuje strogosti ili posvećuje kaosu, predstavlja privilegiran prostor kreativne slobode. Dječji albumi, apstraktni crteži, delikatni predmeti, sitotiskani plakati, strip fanzini ili publikacije koje ne bi smjele bilo kome pasti u ruke; zastupljeni su svi trendovi u nezavisnom grafičkom izdavaštvu. Salon je također prilika za sudjelovanje na konferencijama, okruglim stolovima, pričama, raznim radionicama! Pažljivo smo birali naše goste: dođite i upoznajte ih te otkrijte njihove kreacije na sajmu!” → 4. svibnja, 10-20h / → 5. svibnja, 10-19h @ Garage Coop + CRIC, Strasbourg / Central Vapeur / 14th Festival ➤ INDIE BOOK FAIR: “Independent publishing is present in small and medium-sized collectives, associations, micro and/or self-publishing initiatives. Whether it vows to strictness or devotes itself to chaos, it represents a privileged space of creative freedom. Children’s albums, abstract drawings, delicate items, screen printed posters, comics or publications that should not fall into anyone’s hands; all trends in independent graphic publishing are represented. The salon is also an opportunity to participate in conferences, round tables, various workshops! We carefully selected our guests: come and meet them and discover their creations at the fair!” → May 4th, 10-20h / → May 5th, 10-19h @ Garage Coop + CRIC, Strasbourg
< Iz kataloga >: SALON NEZAVISNIH IZDAVAČA / “POZVANI” / KOMIKAZE: “izdavačka kuća i distributer stripova na webu i tisku, pretežito mlađIh autora_ica. Komikaze povezuju autore Balkana u mrežu za razmjenu informacije i stripova kao oblik mirnog otpora progresivnoj standardizaciji i globalizaciji ukusa. Komikaze su također antologija koja se objavljuje od 2002. i koja je 2020. u Angoulêmeu dobila Nagradu za Alternativni strip” / < from the catalog >: INDEPENDENT PUBLISHERS FAIR / “GUESTS”: “Publishing house and distributor of comics on the web, and the press, mainly for young authors. Komikaze links authors from the Balkans into a network where information and comics are exchanged as a form of peaceful resistance to the progressive standardization of globalization is also an anthology published since 2002 and which was awarded the alternative comics prize in Angoulême in 2020.”

MIKRO IZDAVAČI / MICRO PUBLISHERS: Samandal, Hamelin, Lok Zine, Milimbo, Komikaze, Fotokino, Alibafta, Le Port a Jauni, Misma, Actes Sud Junior, L’Association, Arbitraire, Tandem Convergent, Discovery Much, Atelier Ligne Bleue, Revue Fred, Cyprine Chaude, Pagaille, Studio Chenille… / PLAKATI / POSTERI: Raphaelle Macaron
Central Vapeur je udruga profesionalaca zabrinutih za budućnost ilustracije i stripa iz Strasbourga, Francuska. / Central Vapeur is an association of professionals concerned by the future of illustration and comics from Strasbourg, France.

komikaze 2024 program je podržan sredstvima ministarstva kulture i medija rh i grada zagreba. / komikaze 2024 programme is supported by the ministry of culture and media of the republic croatia and zagreb city.