20-21-22-23 lipnja / KOMIKAZE @ CRACK 2024, ROMA – IT: FEMICOMIX
20-21-22-23 lipnja / Komikaze @ Crack 2024 / 11. Crack gostovanje / Od četvrtka do nedjelje (17:00 do 00:00h) smo u “čeliji” BR 3, TVRĐAVA PRENESTINO na Crack festivalu! Tema festivala: životinje!
Promocija FEMICOMIX programa uključuje susrete s dugogodišnjim suradnicima Komikaza i Crack festivala na najvećem strip art underground festivalu na svijetu, s 15.000 posjetioca i 500 izlagača sa svih strana svijeta. / IG VIDEO REELS: REELS1 / REELS2 / REELS3 / REELS4
FEMICOMIX IZLOŽBA / AUTORICE: @elevatorteeth @about_dunja_jankovic @lucic.agata @enajurov @policagolica @marlene.agius @serenaschinaia @sonjavulpes @sveta.ana + @ivana_armanini / Životinje

ANIMALS POSTER EXHIBITION IN THE BASEMENT OF FORTE PRENESTINO DURING THE DAYS OF THE FESTIVAL / Curated & printed by CRACK FESTIVAL – “the upcoming edition of the festival is going to set up an exhibition of posters and graphics to fully develop and explode this year’s theme: ANIMALS. The space is huge but thankfully we cannot have it just for us, so we decided to invite the artists instead of having an open call and your presence would be a real pleasure for us… as much as an important contribution to this visual – decolonising – philosophical quest we’ve decided to start…”

1.) Komikaze info pult s galerijom različitih artikala (x7); Komikaza STRIPOTEKA NA CRACKU nudi 17 Komikaze albuma, 7 zina, 77 plakata i 7 majica: https://komikaze.hr/stripotekalibrary/. Dolazak je s psom Boschka (9-godišnja Komikaza “maskota”).
2.) “tet-a-tet” prezentacija – 5′ performans – kratko vodstvo kroz programe, izložbu i albume, uz besplatno dijeljenje letaka.
3.) Femicomix izložba “in situ” u “ćeliji” tvrđave Prenestino. Svi izloženi materijali prvi put su objavljeni na web stranici Komikaze i tiskani u Komikaze izdanjima u Zagrebu, Hrvatska / Animals / Femicomix
4.) Izložba plakata “životinje” koju kurira i tiska Crack festival I Fortepressa tijekom festivala.
KOMIKAZE TABLE & “TET-A-TET” PRESENTATION / short guiding tour with flayer distribution
“komikaze” is a publisher and a network for spreading comic activities on the world wide web, electronic and brief press distribution of mostly young authors comics. the aim is to link “komikaze» comic activists from region and world in order to exchange information and concrete comic products. in the context of related actions for the organization (armless) resistance against the progressive globalization and the increasing taste of institutionalized artistic production, komikaze program represents free and altruistic activities of artists from different geo-strategic areas, which connects independent and uncompromising attitude, called the alternative, in relation to the existing dominating artistic practice. partners and spatial priorities are related to non-profit autonomous zones of culture. komikaze project runs from 2002. the association is a registered 2008.
Komikaze / micro-publisher: Free online bilingual (Croatian/English) comics website and anthology with Croatian & International artists, which have been published @ webcomics (quarterly) & anthologies (yearly) since 2002. In 2020 it received award for the best alternative edition at the largest european comics festival at Angouleme, France.

komikaze 2024. program je podržan sredstvima ministarstva kulture i medija republike hrvatske i grada zagreba. / komikaze programme 2024 is supported by the ministry of culture and media of the republic croatia and city zagreb.