Pogledajte dio radova pristiglih na 59. otvoreni Komikaze poziv! Hvala svima na sudjelovanju! / Check out part of the works received on the 59th Komikaze open call! Thanks to All for the participation!

CLICK CLICK – STRIP AUTORI / COMIC AUTHORS: Ruei Yi Fang / Basile Bibas / Marie Vermont / Harukichi / Okichu / hikikomori_ed  / Vittorino Curci / Giovanna Fabi / Jan Škrinjar / Damir Stojnić / Ivana Geček / Ivana Armanini 

Program Komikaze 2022. je podržan od Ministarstva kulture i medija Republike Hrvatske i grada Zagreba. / Komikaze programme 2022 is supported by the Ministry of culture and media of the Republic Croatia and city Zagreb.

KOMIKAZE #59 – STRIP WEBZINE okuplja 12 autora_ica (6 novih u Komikaze galeriji!) iz: Hrvatske, Taiwana, Japana, Francuske, Italije i Austrije. RADNO VRIJEME: NON-STOP / COMIC WEBZINE collects 12 authors (6 new in the Komikaze gallery!) from: Croatia, Taiwan, Japan, France, Italy and Austria. WORKING HOURS: NON-STOP


☛ info & comix:

CLICK CLICK – marie vermont 

komikaze comic strip webzine 59 marie vermont

oteta je od vanzemaljaca 1999. godine i od tada živi to iskustvo. danas je u beču, zajedno sa soybotom, grupom za podršku NLO turistima i riso tisak. / abducted by aliens in 1999 and lives that experience since then. nowadays in vienna, together with soybot, support group for ufo tourists and riso printing.

CLICK CLICK jan škrinjar

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jan škrinjar

(1998.) živi u zaprešiću, hrvatska. utapa jade u mračnim kutevima starih saloona. / (1998) lives in zaprešić, croatia. he drowns his sorrows in dark corners of old saloons.

CLICK CLICK – ivana geček

komikaze comic strip  webzine 59 ivana geček

25. godišnja umjetnica i horor entuzijastica iz Hrvatske. / 25 years old artist and horror enthusiast from croatia.

CLICK CLICK – ruei yi fang 

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ruei yi fang

1988. rođena je u gradu Taipei, Tajvan. Radi u polju ilustracije, stripa i svim drugim zanimljivim pričama. / 1988 born in Taipei, Taiwan. She is working on illustration, comic and any other interesting stories.

CLICK CLICK – damir stojnić

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damir stojnić

(1972.) živi i radi u rijeci kao profesor na akademiji primijenjenih umjetnosti, hrvatska. završio je umjetničku akademiju u zagrebu. stripove crta od 1990. ali ih do komikaze albuma 2019. nije objavljivao. fokus: strip, ilustracija, konceptualna umjetnost, kuriranje / (1972) lives and works as the professor at academy of applied art university in rijeka, croatia. graduated painting on academy of fine arts in zagreb. he is making comics from 1990 but hasn’t published them before komikaze album 2019. focus: comic, illustration, conceptual art, curating 

CLICK CLICK – okichu 

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(1979) umjetnik i kurator iz tokija, japan. radi stilom poznatim pod imenom automatizam, u kom nesvjesno vodi kreativan proces. započinje olovkom, prepuštajući se crtanju bez razmišljanja, nakon čega pronalazi oblike i motive u radu, povezujući ih obojenim i duhovitim mozgalicama. također vodi galeriju mograg, čiji je suosnivač s motoko ohta u tokiju. u suradnji sa zanimljivim umjetnicima se zalaže za “japanski lowbrow art” kao smjera za uživanje aktualne umjetnosti. / (1979) painter, drawing artist and curator from tokyo, japan. he works in an art style known as automatism, in which the subconscious guides the artist’s creative process. it begins in pencil, letting himself draw lines without thinking, and then finds forms and motifs in the work that he brings out in pen and finally, connect on the colorful and humorous brain world. also he runs mograg gallery with co-founder motoko ohta in tokyo. teaming up with interesting artists, they propose “japanese lowbrow art” as an attitude to enjoy the very current art.

CLICK CLICK – basile bibas 

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basile bibas

student umjetničke škole u strasbourgu, francuska. objavljuje svoje stripove u fanzinu fred. instagram: basile bibas / fred #1 & fred #2
/ student of the art school in strasbourg, france. he published comics at fred zine.

fred je strip fanzine koji je napisalo i nacrtalo 9 studenata umjetničke škole u strasbourgu. svaki umjetnik_ica se nadovezuje na prethodnu sa svojom pričom, tvoreći niz koherentnih ali raznolikih poglavlja, od kojih je svako nacrtano drugačijim stilom. svaki crtač stvara priču smještenu na istom mjestu, a svi se međusobno povezuju kako bi tvorili neku vrstu “prekrasnog leša” (cadavre exquise). u prvom broju 8 likova skače, penje se, transformira, eksplodira ili doživljava paranoidnu krizu u čudnom supermarketu. u drugom broju možete pratiti 9 likova dok hodaju okolo, rade ili pokušavaju ukrasti umjetnine u vrlo osebujnom muzeju …

fred is a comics zine written and drawn by 9 students of the art school in strasbourg. each artist follows another one’s story with their own, forming a string of coherent but diverse chapters, each drawn in a different style. each cartoonist creates a story set in the same place, and all of them link together to form a sort of exquisite corps (cadavre exquise). in the first issue, 8 characters jump, climb, transform, explode or have a paranoia crisis in the strange supermarket. in the second issue you can follow 9 characters as they walk around, work or try to steal artworks in a very peculiar museum …

CLICK CLICK – harukichi

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(1973.) živi u japanu. fokus: strip, komponiranje, pisanje / (1973) lives in japan. focus: comics, composing, writing.

CLICK CLICK – hikikomori_ed 

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hikikomori ed

tajanstveni autor / mysterious author

CLICK CLICK – giovanna fabi 

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giovanna fabi

(1996.) studentica likovne akademije u Bologni, Italija. prethodne škole: viša umjetnička, bruxelles; likovna akademija, macerata / (1996) student at the academy of fine arts of bologna, italy. previous studies: ecole supérieure des arts (esa) saint luc bruxelles; academy of fine arts of macerata

CLICK CLICK – vittorino curci

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vittorino curci

(1952.) živi u noci, italija. fokus: pjesništvo, muzika (slobodna improvizacija), slikarstvo, doodle. / (1952) lives in noci, italy. focus: poems, music (free improvisation), painting, doodle.

CLICK CLICK – ivana armanini

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ivana armanini

završila školu za primijenjenu umjetnost i dizajn i akademiju likovnih umjetnosti u zagrebu, hrvatska. fokus: strip, mikroizdavaštvo. vodi komikaze od 2002. / graduated at school of applied arts and design and academy of fine arts in zagreb, croatia. focus: comics, micro-publishing. leads komikaze since 2002.

CLICK CLICK: angouleme 2022 <> nagrada 2020 <> komikaze album 20 <> 2002 – 2022 #XXkomikaze