komikaze album je dvojezična međunarodna strip antologija koja izlazi kontinuirano od 2002. / komikaze album is bilingual international comic anthology which goes on continuously from 2002.
• više u stripoteci / more in library: https://komikaze.hr/print_issue/album-komikaze-strip-album-broj-17/
komikaze izdanje broj 17 predstavlja 35 stripova i 29 strip autora iz 11 država na 136 stranica. / komikaze issue number 17 presents 35 comics & 29 comic authors from 11 states on 136 pages.
STRIP AUTORI / COMIC AUTHORS: ravic / brv_vrb / tearzdrop / sanja siročić / bernharda xilko / ivana armanini / smelly feet dog / miro župa / agata lučić / call me georges / serena schinaia / bruno borges / rodger binyone / miranda smart / ena jurov / wostok / marie mohanna / ivan stanišić / stipan tadić / katja kovše / sindy čolić / david peter kerr / jon vaughn / vittorino curci / no tan parecidos / marko dješka / iestyn
• scen / SCRIPT / TXT: spremna za pokret, zlata vk, jovana lutovac & vojvoda milica, miloš crnjanski
• dostupno na / available on: mail & etsy
• dostupno – samo u najboljim prodavaonicama i na najboljim događanjima / available– only in the best shops & events > zagreb / kino europa shop, knjižara i antikvarijat što čitaš?, fijuk sajam & ljubljana/ azil knjigarna + animateka > angouleme > > …
/ komikaze album 2018. je podržan od grada zagreba / komikaze album 2018 is supported by city of zagreb
Frédéric Hojlo / Link: “A Geography of the comic: the states, the country of the rising sun, the Franco-Belgie… and that’s it? Another proof that no: I received today the magazine “KOMIKAZE” #17, published in Zagreb, Croatia, founded in 2002 and bringing together artists from various countries of America and Europe, north South and east to west. / 16,7 x 23 cm, 136 Pages N & b and colors, in English and Croatian, cheap and already available (Cover drawing: Ravic).”
Marcos Farrajota (Bedeteca Lisabon, Chili Com Carne): / Link: “the 17th volume of the croatian anthology komikaze has already appeared, where two portuguese authors are published in their pages: bruno borges and rui moura. this is nothing new since there has been a constant participation of authors from portugal in these editions.
this collective from the balkans passed through portugal two years ago, namely by the feira morta (in the zdb) and the arara workshop (porto) and left in bedeteca in lisbon an almost complete collection of its publications. the komikaze deserves to be alongside other important anthologies in this european milieu such as the finnish glömp (tommi musturi) and the italian canicola, finnish psychedelia or the italian black and white abrasive.
past few volumes imposed a proper balkan style that unites croats and serbs. what does this style consist of? thematically it consists of attacks on social customs, mixed with some surrealism and a humour as rude as black, and the drawings and graphics proposed are also black and brutes. there are dirt, collages, naive designs and painting techniques. for some reason the french (guedin brothers dav & gnot or craoman) or the swedish anna ehlemark have already become regular contributors …”
bernharda xilko aka bruno tolić
r: u zagrebu / Živi u Splitu/ hr i zemunu/ rs.
fokus: strip, animacija
Član je kolektiva novo doba, krekhaus i turbo comix.
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bernhardaxilko/
miro župa
r: 1978. / živi u splitu i zagrebu.
diplomirao je kiparstvo na alu u zagrebu.
fokus: haiku strip, kiparstvo
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zupacuts/
ravic aka Katerina Davydov
r: 1986. u Ukrajini. / Živi u New Yorku.
fokus: digitalni mediji, s ciljem da stvara bez smjera ili određenog cilja.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ravic12/
brv_vrb aka brais rodriguez
r: 1980. u Španjolskoj.
završio je akademiju likovnih umjetnosti.
fokus: strip
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brv_vrb/
marie mohanna
r: 1992. / živi u parizu, francuska.
studirala je vizualne komunikacije u parizu.
fokus: ilustracija, grafički dizajn
web stranica: http://mariemohanna.fr/
call me georges
rođen: 1989. u francuskoj / živi u parizu i londonu, engleska.
završio je školu za dizajn u nantesu.
fokus: ilustracija, animacija
web stranica: http://www.callmegeorges.co.uk
miranda smart
živi u londonu, engleska.
fokus: ilustracija, strip (audiovizualni stripovi)
web stranica: https://mirandasmart.com
agata lučić
r: 1995.
završila je srednju školu za primjenjenu umjetnost i dizajn.
Studira grafiku na akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u zagrebu, hr.
fokus: crtež, strip
behance: https://www.behance.net/agatalucic
sindy čolić
r: 1993. / živi u zagrebu, hr.
fokus: politička znanost, crtež, mačke
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/peezdarije/
ivan stanišić
r: 1996.
student je akademije likovnih umjetnosti u zagrebu, hr.
fokus: ilustracija
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/st.ivan.illustrations/
katja kovše
r: 1993. / živi u celju, slo.
završila je profesorski smjer za umjetnost na fakultetu u ljubljani, slo.
fokus: strip, printanje, ilustracija
web stranica: http://katjakovse.wixsite.com/katkat
rodger binyone
živi u filadelfiji, sad.
fokus: strip, zini, print, ilustracija
web stranica: http://www.nomanillustration.com/
rui moura
r: 1994. / živi u portugalu.
fokus: strip, ilustracija, plakat
instagram: instagram.com/ruicough
bruno borges
r: 1976. / živi u portu, portugal.
završio je akademiju likovnih umjetnosti u lisabonu.
fokus: slikanje, print, crtanje
web stranica: https://monteravi.blogspot.com
ena jurov
r: 1988. u zadru. / živi u zagrebu i zadru, hrvatska.
studirala je vizualne komunikacije u zagrebu i stockholmu.
fokus: dizajn, ilustracija i strip
web stranica: http://enajurov.com/
serena schinaia
r: 1986. / živi u rimu, italija.
fokus: strip
web stranica: https://www.serenaschinaia.it
wostok & zlata
danilo milošev – wostok i zlata žive i stvaraju zajedno u vršcu, rs.
fokus: strip, film, fanzini, muzika
web stranica: https://dmwostok.wixsite.com/wostok
ivana armanini
živi u zagrebu i ljubljani, hr/ slo.
škola: srednja škola za primjenjenu umjetnost i dizajn & akademija likovnih umjetnosti u zagrebu.
fokus: strip, ilustracija / voditeljica komikaze projekta od 2002.
web stranica: http://ivanaarmanini.net
stipan tadić
r: 1986. / živi u zagrebu, hr.
završio je akademiju likovnih umjetnosti u zagrebu.
fokus: strip, ilustracija, slikarstvo
web stranica: http://stipantadic32.blogspot.com/
tearzdrop aka stefan čirić
r: beograd / živi u dobanovcima, srbija.
fokus: dizajn, ilustracija, montaža, muzika, tetoviranje
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tearzdrop/
david peter kerr
r: 1982. / živi u glasgowu, škotska.
fokus: strip, pisanja
škola: royal college
web stranica: http://www.davidpeterkerr.com
jon vaughn
rođen u kanadi. / živi u new yorku.
diplomirao na fakultetu u saskatchewanu, kanada.
fokus: vizualna umjetnost, dizajn; dj / muzički performans, produkcija i izdavaštvo
odgovorni urednik u ecstasy editions.
web stranica: https://www.jonvaughn.me/
spremna za pokret i smelly feet dog
sreli su se u srednjoj glazbenoj školi i dijele ljubav za filmove.
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smelly_feet/
vittorino curci
r: 1952. / živi u noci, italija.
fokus: pjesništvo, muzika (slobodna improvizacija), slikarstvo, doodle
tumblr: http://vittorinocurci.tumblr.com
živi u brightonu, engleska.
info: “iestyn voli objašnjavati kako se izgovara njegovo ime – to je jestin. voli pričati strašne priče o bolu i patnji.
došao je u godine u kojima ne želi više da ga život sprečava da crta stripove jer će inaće ostariti neispunjen.
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iesorno/
marko dješka
r: 1983. / živi u osijeku, hrvatska.
magistrirao na animaciji i novim medijima na akademiji lijepih umjetnosti, zagreb, hrvatska.
fokus: animacija, strip, ilustracija
web stranica: http://www.markodjeska.com/
no tan parecidos
crtaju dva vizualna umjetnika.
rođeni i žive u južnoj americi.
fokus: ilustracija, strip, slikarstvo
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/notanparecidos/
sanja siročić
r: 1980. / živi u Zagrebu.
škola: pejzažna arhitektura
fokus: ilustracija, slikarstvo, yoga
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sanja.sirocic.58
info about authors:
bernharda xilko aka bruno tolić
Born in Zagreb / Lives in Split, croatia & zemun, serbia.
drawer from novo doba collective, part of krekhaus duo and turbo comix.
focus: comic, animation
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bernhardaxilko/
Miro Župa
B: 1978 in Split / lives in Split & Zagreb, Croatia.
Graduated at the Fine Arts Academy in Zagreb.
Focus: haiku comics, sculpture
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zupacuts/
ravic aka Katerina Davydov
b: 1986 in what is now Ukraine / Lives and works in New York City.
focus: digital medium, and aims to create
without any set intentions or predetermined destinations.
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ravic12/
brv_vrb aka brais rodriguez
b: 1980 at Spain.
graduated at academy of fine arts.
focus: comic
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brv_vrb/
marie mohanna
b: 1992 / based in paris, france.
graduated: school of visual communication, paris
focus: illustration, graphic design
website: http://mariemohanna.fr/
call me georges
b: 1989 in france / based in paris and london, uk.
graduated at school of design, nantes, fr.
focus: illustration, animation
website: http://www.callmegeorges.co.uk
miranda smart
based in london, uk.
focus: illustration, comic (audiovisual comic)
website: https://mirandasmart.com
agata lučić
b: 1995 / lives in zagreb, cro.
graduated at school of applied arts and design in zagreb, cro.
student of graphic arts at academy of fine arts, zagreb.
focus: drawings, comics
behance: https://www.behance.net/agatalucic
sindy čolić
b: 1993 / lives in zagreb, cro.
focus: political science, drawing, cats
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/peezdarije/
ivan stanišić
b: 1996 / lives un zagreb, cro.
student of academy of fine arts in zagreb, cro.
focus: illustration
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/st.ivan.illustrations/
katja kovše
b: 1993 / lives in celje, slo.
graduated art history at university of ljubljana, slo.
focus: comic, printing, illustration
website: http://katjakovse.wixsite.com/katkat
rodger binyone
lives in philadelphia, usa.
focus: comics, zines, screen prints, illustration
website: http://www.nomanillustration.com/
rui moura
b: 1994 / lives in portugal.
focus: comic, illustration, poster
instagram: instagram.com/ruicough
bruno borges
b: 1976 / lives in porto, portugal.
graduated at the academy of fine arts in lisbon.
focus: painting, printing, drawing
blogspot: https://monteravi.blogspot.com
ena jurov
b: 1988 in zadar / lives in zadar and zagreb, croatia.
studied visual communication in zagreb and stockholm.
focus: design, illustration, comics
website: http://enajurov.com/
serena schinaia
b: 1986 / lives in rome, italy.
focus: comic
website: https://www.serenaschinaia.it
spremna za pokret & smelly feet dog
met in the secondary school for music and they share love for movies.
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smelly_feet/
wostok & zlata
danilo milošev – wostok and zlata live and create together in vršac, rs.
focus: comics, movies, zines, music
website: https://dmwostok.wixsite.com/wostok
ivana armanini
born and lives in zagreb & ljubljana, cro/ slo
graduated at school of applied arts & design and academy of fine arts in zagreb, cro.
focus: comics, illustrations/ leads komikaze project since 2002
website: http://ivanaarmanini.net
stipan tadić
b: 1986 / lives in zagreb, cro.
graduated at academy of fine arts in zagreb.
focus: comic, illustration, painting
website: http://stipantadic32.blogspot.com
tearzdrop aka stefan čirić
b: in belgrade / lives in dobanovci, rs.
focus: design, illustration, montage, music, tattooing
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tearzdrop/
david peter kerr
b: 1982 / lives in glasgow, scotland.
school: royal college
focus: comic, writing
website: http://www.davidpeterkerr.com
jon vaughn
born in canada. / lives in ny.
graduated: bachelor’s degree from the university of saskatchewan, canada
focus: visual art, design; dj / music performance, production and publishing
editor-in-chief at ecstasy editions.
website: https://www.jonvaughn.me/
vittorino curci
b: 1952. / lives in noci, italy.
focus: poems, music (free improvisation), paintings, doodles
tumblr: vittorinocurci.tumblr.com
based in brighton, uk.
info: “iestyn likes to explain how to pronounce his name – it’s yestin.
he likes to tell terrible puns and obscure stories about pain and suffering. he’s reached an age where he
won’t let life stop him making comics any more or he’ll age unfulfilled.”
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iesorno/
marko dješka
b: 1983 / lives in osijek, croatia.
school: master degree in animation and new media; academy of fine arts, zagreb, croatia
focus: animation, comics, illustration
website: http://www.markodjeska.com/
sanja siročić
b: 1980 / lives in Zagreb.
graduated at Landscape architecture, Zagreb, Croatia.
focus: illustration, painting, yoga
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sanja.sirocic.58
no tan parecidos
drawn by two visual artists.
born and live in south america.
focus: illustration, comic, painting
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/notanparecidos/